Hi Deidre,
Elevit (spelt without the 'e')  is a supplement of 'vitamins & minerals for pregnancy & lactation' (so printed on the package). Produced by Roche. The starter pack consists of 5 tablets, one for each day. I believe the drug companies distribute free samples to GPs and Obstetricians as a mean of marketing.
Each tablet contains:
11 Vitamins
Thiamine nitrate (Vitamin B1)                 1.55 mg
Riboflavine (Vitamin B2)                        1.8 mg
Nicotinamide (Vitamin B3)                     19 mg
Calcium pantothenate (Vitamin B5)        10 mg
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6)     2.6 mg
Cynocobalamin (Vitamin B12)                4.0 microgram
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)                      100 mg
Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)                    12.5 microgram
dl-a-Tocopherol acetate (Vitamin E)          15 mg
Biofin (Vitamin H)                                    200 microgram
Folic acid                                                800 mircogram
7 Minerals and trace elements
Calcium                                                125 mg
Iron                                                        60 mg
Magnesium                                            100 mg
Phosphorus                                            125 mg
Copper                                                    1 mg
Manganese                                            1 mg
Zinc                                                        7.5 mg
Some of our mothers take it because it has all the vitamins, especially vitamin C, which helps iron absorption. Usually recommended by GPs. I believe it is a little bit more expensive than the ordinary iron supplements. The tablet itself is actually huge. May be off putting for mothers who have difficulty with taking tablets
You can contact Roche Consumer Health on its free call 1800 023 884 for further details. I only know all these because I picked up a sample when I was in NACE conference in Sydney. : --))  
Hope the above info helps.
Ping B.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] GP's and OB's selling Elevit Vitamin Supplement

What are elevit samples, excuse my ignorance
Dierdre B.

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