Would love to do a gathering for the week!  I have a few interested woman to share there stories, and I would like to run a session on having the best Caesarean ever!   As part of my birth classes I now spend time explaining the many options available to still make lots of choices, and have the experience you need!   Suggest the Friday!
Let me know if you are interested! 
it will be held in Waterloo Sydney!
Denise Love
Birth Central - 02 9399 5854
LifeOptions - The Centre for LifeLong Learning
Doula Express
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 10:00 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] National Caesarean Awareness Day 2003

Is there anyone interested in doing anything for the National Caesarean Awareness Day this year?  As always, it can be as low key as getting together with mothers you have birthed with or holding a special talk at your place of employment about vbac or cs.  Or you can organise a full on conference with international guest speakers with entertainment by Kylie or something!  Perhaps not.....
Anyway, if there is any interest in doing something for the day, an article is being written in the Natural Parenting Mag about NCAD and if you want a free plug for an event let me know ASAP (like tonight or tomorrow!  Not one for leaving things to the last minute...just the last second!)
cheers for now 
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...

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