A suggestion for the coffeee table is similar images that Sheila Kitzinger has on her birth coat (the yellow one), the paisley and rose prints, it would need explaining to people, but thats part of it. When she visited this year she wore it and explained the symbolic meanings, its just beautiful. You would probably find it on her website.
Good luck, I'm still waiting for a good design to go on my belly cast,
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Mrs Joanne M Fisher
Sent: Saturday, 2 August 2003 11:21
To: Ozmidwifery
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Any ideas for research and mosiac?

Dear List,
I've just returned to Brisbane and have re-joined the list again after spending time in Perth doing some observations for my studies with the fabulous midwives of the CMP - (Hi all you lovely ladies over there).  This is a wonderful list to be on and so educatonal.  I've been asked by my tutor to talk to the Grad Dip Mid students at ACU in Oct, so I'll be enthusiastically spreading the word of continuous midwifery care.  She (my tutor) is also encouraging me to do my Masters, (not sure if I will yet), so I was wondering if anyone out there had suggestions for me for subjects that I could do a small research on.  I've never done anything like this before and know nothing about research, (I'm a hospital midwife and have only recently embarked on university studies).  I already have some vague ideas but I'm sure there are plenty of other ideas that I haven't thought of. 
I also want to mosiac my coffee table and would love to do something that symbolized birth/midwives etc, but being a hopeless artist I haven't been able to think of a simple design to do.  Can anyone help???
Joanne (Fisher)

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