At the hospital where I birthed my son, one of the questions on the birthplan list is 'Management of the afterbirth with an oxytocic injection is recommended. Do you have any thoughts about this?'  My response was typed as this- 'I would like a physiological 3rd stage, unless medically indicated (increased/excessive bleeding)' When I handed my birthplan to the OB who I was 'allocated' to for my 36 week appointment, he proceeded to tell me that 'It was all well and good to deliver the placenta naturally, but its not very nice to die naturally from massive blood loss..' He told me that 10-15% of women that don't have the injection die from PPH.. I immediately pointed out that that meant that 90-85% of women don't die. He looked at me over his glasses and smiled, put my plan on the table and changed the topic..
As it was, after my sons birth, a midwife I didn't know came in with the injection, told me that she was just going to give it to me to help the placenta out. I immediately looked at my mum, then at my beautiful midwife Lynne. Lynne told this other woman that I didn't want it, that all was in hand.. I actually have a photo of this moment, I am smiling, holding my son, Lynne is busy talking to the other midwife with my mum looking over her shoulder, ready to speak up if needed :) My placenta came on its own, with no problems. It is still in my freezer now, waiting to be buried..
That is my experience..

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Denise Hynd
Sent: Tuesday, 9 December 2003 3:53 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] 3rdStage Feedback

Dear Ozmid list,
I need to know or get some feedback about the prevelance of physiological third stage in Australia.
That is are women being offered the option of birthing their placentas with out an oxytocic injection in Australain hospitals
and is it standard practice to give women informed choice about this in homebirths (as I understand it)

Personal expereinces of situations and protocols would be appreciated
Thank you

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