The address is 37 HAMPDEN Road, Nedlands - I made a mistake the first time I posted it .
I have told people children are welcome if they want to bring, but it is not a big venue and space is at a premium so I am tactfully suggesting they may prefer to leave kids with someone, but obviously if they cannot come otherwise then bring them.
How does Thursday 1st April suit everyone for a get together?  Morning tea either at Deb's or somewhere central.
Other than that - an evening meeting would suit me - any evening except Wednesdays or Mondays, Judy can't make Tuesday evenings - so a Thursday or Friday might be best.
The attendance list is looking more promising!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: meeting

Hi Ya Sue
I just got of the phone from a Paul & Christine Coxon, they have 4/5 year old son who was just recently diagnosed with fragile X they heard about the meeting through Genitec Services at PMH and he and his wife will try to attend they are from the UK also, they have no other family here so they are rather desperate for info about support net works etc...
I will start the phone around this week, the meeting place is still Hampton Rd Nedlands right?
Seem's like we are finally getting the message out there now.
I saw the notice in the Kalparrin newsletter also and it was in my latest LAC Newsletter also.
Will Let you know how things progress after the phone around
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:09 PM
Subject: re: meeting

G'day all
Just wondering how things are going with you all?
I have so far got new members: Jodie Morton, Raphaela Lauzon-Guevarra, and F. Fontana & M. Powell - these are new family members to whom the message has got through.
The people at Rheola Street and DSC will be mailing out this week too so hopefully we will get a few more.
In addition I have had responses from other interested people: Mariette Boelema (an accommodation officer), Scott Andrews (Kinship organisation) and David Ravine (Prof of genetics - he came to take blood from us last Sunday for the research into testing for Frax)
Of our old list so far is confirmed (all being well): Janet Ackland, Wanda Finkle, Adele Scott and Ian Lyon.  Haven't rung the others yet - have any of you rung your lists?  Or had any calls from any others?
I have responded to the e-mail from Jonathon Cohen and we are now linked with the USA foundation.
We are members of the Genetic Support council (where we will be meeting)  and are listed as links on all the Australian websites.  Fragile X was featured on the front page of the Genetic Support Council newsletter - which I received a copy of last week.
Jack returned to the family fold yesterday - a little paler than usual but glad to be home I think - he is OK.  Janet's boy seems to be doing well too although has a very long road ahead of him.
Let me know how you're all doing and can we make a time to meet up prior to May 1st?  What's good for everyone? I would prefer NOT a weekend - evenings are good or during the day if we can all find a mutually convenient day.
Cheers, Sue
Susan & Mark Cudlipp

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