How big a smile was on my face seeing some of your birth video.  There was no smile for the birth of those beautiful twins.  The comments over the top of this birth by that idiot doctor told the viewers that this couple chose to have their lscs.  But he did not mention the coerscion and fright tactics that i am sure he used to convince them that this was best for all concerned.
Justine you make us all proud.  You have  a beautiful family.  You are doing a wonderful job of advocating for womens choices and this is proven by the fact that 60 minutes had you on. Shame on them for ripping women off once again. 
I am sure that I once read in a journal somewhere about a survey conducted with elderly nuns and it was found that the number of them that suffered from incontinence was on par with others.  Has anyone else read or heard of this.  Anyways it looks like Tracy Curio may not have avoided incontinence in the long run after all.  She may sue her ob when the time comes!  lol.

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