A woman I cared for had a complete abruption resulting in a FDIU at 38
weeks. 15 months later she had an elective caesarean birth of a healthy baby
girl born a few days prior to 38 weeks. The woman's choose a c/s after
exploring all options, as the last birth was very traumatic due to the FDIU
and a severe shoulder dystocia. The following pregnancy was very
straightforward, as were the 2 previous to the APH, however, the woman was
anxious, nervous and frightened which is to be expected. I was fortunate to
be invited by the family to be their support person at the caesarean birth
of their little girl as i was their midwife at the birth of their baby who
had died. very special and priviledged honour i received from this family.
Also a time of healing of some wounds from the last birth, plus sharing more
memories of the baby who had died, regrets at the loss of that baby and joy
at the life of this baby.
----- Original Message -----
From: "axelbys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 7:29 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Placental Abruption

> Does anyone have any information on placental abruption or pregnancies
> following an abruption, particularly a complete PA, resulting in FDIU.
> Thanks.
> A. Axelby
> --
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