Hi Tania
I am from NZ and now living here so what precisely would you like to know? 
There are ample opportunities in NZ, more in rural areas where midwives are a bit scarce - both in indpendent practice, birth centres or tertiary hospitals.  When you say grad mid program, are you meaning your midwifery training or a graduate year?  I am quite sure that graduate diploma's in mid have been completely phased out and replaced with the bachelor program of which I am sure you would be able to get some cross credits. Most registered nurses still complete an additional 2 full years to be accrediated the Bach of Mid.  The NZ college of Midwives website would be a good place to start looking and investigating.  http://www.nzcom.org.nz
Both Islands are great to live in, just depends on what you are looking for.  The North is somewhat busier and the South a bit more laid back but of course both have it's pockets of each.  I came from the Waikato in the central North Island which was great but cold and damp with lots of rain and fog.  The Bay of Islands at the top of the North Island is beautiful and much warmer.  The South Island has beautiful scenery but is pretty cold also. 
Email me off the list if you would like to know more but I reckon the NZCOM site will proably be able to answer most of your questions.  There are sub branches of NZCOM throughout the country if you would like to make contact with one of them.
Kim Stead
Midwife : Birth-Wise Midwifery
-------Original Message-------
Date: 11/09/2004 3:26:41 p.m.
Subject: [ozmidwifery] NZ Midwifery
Hi everybody
I'm considering moving myself and family to NZ to do my grad mid program. If
anybody has some contacts over there who may be able to shed some light on
opportunities, where to go etc etc I would greatly appreciate it.
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