Hi Abbey
I thought I would look this up as I have an interest in mental illness and have a limited knowledge of pharmacology.  Prochiaden is a tricyclic antidepressant and one of the 'older' depression drugs.  More often SSRI's are being used.  Was your friend on this medication before pregnancy and during pregnancy?  Is this being prescribed by an appropriate professional.  I assume he/she is aware that she is breastfeeding.
From my textbooks, it's suggests that postnatally, the amounts should be reduced to pre-pregnancy levels  with close observation for emergent side effects.  Side effects in the baby can include feeding difficulties, seizures, tachypnoea, pastrointestional stasis and bladder retention. Obviously quite serious and not to be taken without careful consideration and a detailed consultation.
It's really not something that a midwife has a lot of knowledge about unless she is specifically trained in that field, therefore difficult to advise and make statements or judgements.  I too agreee that it's best to try more natural remedies first but in the case of mental illness, one (a professional) needs to decide how serious the situation is and weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of taking/not taking the medication.  It may well be that your friend needs to take this medication at this time and while it may affect the baby, her needs are important at ensuring her mental and emotional wellbeing in order for her to be an effective and loving mother.
Again...one of those not so black and white issues.
Hope this has been of some help.  Probablly not I suspect!
Kim Stead
Midwife : Birth-Wise Midwifery
-------Original Message-------
Date: 14/09/2004 4:24:18 p.m.
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?
Thought some of you wise women could help with a friends query. She has been
prescribed Prochiaden 25mg for depression and she is breastfeeding her 2
month old. She was worried about the side effects and what effects that
would have on bubs. I thought that most anti depressants would have similiar
side effects listed ie. drowsiness, dizziness, nausea(? spelling)
Do any of you know much about this drug? are there any safer anti
depressants for pregnancy ( DISCLAIMER- I am actually not a fan of anti
depressants at all. I believe most "depression" can be cured with exercise,
nutrition and various therapies. However, she is adimant about taking them
and so I want to find out the safest).
Could someone look it up in, is it Dr Hales, book?
Thanks so much.
Love Abby
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