AROM is a 'tool' of active management and like many other obstetric
interventions it has been used as a normal practice by o mnay.  I am not
sure why it would be used as a Midwife tool but as I am not one (a midwife)
I ont want to make a blanket statement.
I agree that your list o things an AROM can cause as I did a great deal of
reading about it when trying to work out why I had my cs for my first.  You
might like to add increase chance of fetal distress to your list next to
baby's head being in the wrong position.  All in all it seems like once
again there are MANY reasons why not to do this to women but as far as I
can tell, ambivulent reasons why to use it.
But like you, I stand ready for correction as I said, I am not a midwife
and I am always open for further learning! lol
love Jo
PS LOVE being in Bendigo for  my week stay....have been able to have brunch
with some great people and I have read TWO yes TWO books!!!!!  This no
children, husband or house work thing has some rewards!  Unfortunatley the
little one whom I am actually here for is snuggled up inside mum really
with no intentions of coming out to suit my schedule!  I am sure she will
birthher baby when i am flying home! lol

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