>>I believe that you are coming from the right place in your heart, but sometimes we need to take a step back & think about how others may perceive us if we want to be listened to at all. I am speaking as someone who has learnt this lesson & skill recently. Your opinion is valued.Philippa Scott
Birth Buddies
Thanks for the advice Phillipa, I'll keep that in mind. lol! Funny how it seems that I don't already do that. It is hard with plain text. I'm sure it wouldn't of caused such a problem if I was talking IRL about it......or maybe it would because it does go against the grain, or maybe it would because I am not a midwife and haven't been there......who knows.
I definitely didn't mean to cause any offense, I really was talking about the system.
I will keep your advice in mind and keep on trying.
Love Abby- always learning always standing corrected.

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