Maybe you could offer grad midwife positions so that they are on the payroll and hence covered by insurance. What a shame.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 8:42 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Mackay Birth Centre student placements

Thanks to those who reponded. We have since discovered the reason no students are getting through to us is that our health service is worried about insurance and wont have suppernumery students.
We are extremely disappointed with this decision. We are a group of midwives wanting to share our experience and keen for student midwives to experience a midwifery model.
With a shortage of midwives one would think the health services would be keen to have help educate students!!!!!!!
Those still interested let us know and we'll contact you if the situation changes.
Sue and Marion

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