Is there any more information on this - this is FANTASTIC news!!! Well done!!!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:07 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] NT NEWS FLASH!!!

Congratulations to the woman, midwives and Maternity coaltion, who after tirelessly campaigning to fix the indemnity crisis up here, have won!
This morning on ABC news Darwin, Ginny Nock and a homebirth mum were speaking, and low and behold the talk back host announced that when they rung Peter Toynes (health minister in nt) this morning, that his reply was that..."Maternity Coaltion has won, the nt governement will have the situation sorted by the end of the year"
We will be holding them to that, and my thoughts are with all the midwives in the NT who
haven't been able to work since the legislation was passed, welcome back!
I am so excited...
~~~start life with a midwife~~~

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