This is a brilliant show - I have seen a number of episodes in the UK. The midwife does home births, water births and even has a still birth at home - all as part of her routine job.

Pity it is on commercial TV, but I guess that means a potentially larger audience, so in terms of childbirth education that is also good news!

Happy watching.....


At 11:18 AM 5/12/2004, you wrote:
Earlier in the year someone mentioned a UK show called "William and Mary", he's an undertaker and she's a MIDWIFE!
Well by accident I watched the end half of it last night (Sat) on ch7 at 8.30pm. I think it was the first one, so tune in next week.
Might even be worth dropping ch7 a line to say "good on them", so it stays on the air.


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Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education


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