Isn't it a shame that the birthing experience isn't the other way around? It should be how much experience in normal, non interventionist births should I have before working in a level 3 birth suite. Then at least midwives would have had the chance to see what unadulterated birth is all about!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:49 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] midwives vs obstetricians

I’m hoping to get some advice and words of support from midwives working in Sydney metro area. I am a new grad midwife of 6 months that is currently working on a postnatal ward and about to rotate to the birthing unit (of a large tertiary referral hospital in the south west Sydney area). My fear is the conflict I have with obstetricians who love to make decisions on behalf of women without any concern/respect/autonomy such as blanket decisions with comments like: “if she is 5cm rupture her membranes” and “if not established put up the Synto” etc etc or not allowing a primip to at least have a fair go at pushing before the ventouse or forceps come out. I know that obstetricians have their place but I am already feeling the stress thinking about trying to fight these Men and their decisions.


It is true, the later a woman presents to hospital, the better it is for her because there is less time to intervene.


My question is this:- How much birthing unit experience do I need before I am eligible to apply for a birth centre or another lower risk delivery suite – and does anyone know of anything coming up!


Thanks Nicole

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