I don't think this appeared the first time I sent it
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 1:44 AM
Subject: Nappy costs

Just out of interest I have kept an ongoing total of what we have spent on nappies since we had Ena in November 2003.
We used cloth nappies and cloth flannels to wipe her bottom and only disposable wipes when we went out. Below are the totals.
Cloth nappies:2 dozen $60
Bleach:$41.50 (we changed to Napisan after a couple of months)
Napisan: $170
Nappy Liners: $117 (we used a cheaper one till it went off the market and had to change to a dearer one)
Pilchers: $116 (we used the woollen type ones you can get from Target and Big W. This was for 19 pairs)
Extra Water costs: $40 (from the previous 12 months of water bills)
Disposable wipes: $32.50
Flannels: $60 (which we wet with water, wiped Ena and washed with the nappies)
Total for 12 months= $637

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