and seek u out they do
one little girl went to great lengths her parents planned a homebirth the universe greated enormous challenges the mums bp went up protein appeared in the urine the baby turned and remained breech a hospital birth was planned
at 40 weeks mums bloods were still normal and bp high and protien high we escaped induction the family went on a picnic the dad entered a competetion racing in a bathtub down the banks of the river
he broke his leg
2 days later labour started
the support persons ie drivers  did not answer phone
mw went to family to drive to hospital arrived 30 before footling breech birth
alls happy
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Vaginal breech birth

You will Kim
One day a little breech baby will seek you out and you'll be fine supporting it's mother.

Make sure you all support this student and buy her a copy of Maggie Banks book Breech Birth Woman-Wise so she knows there is another way.

Jan Robinson Independent Midwife Practitioner
National Coordinator Australian Society of Independent Midwives
8 Robin Crescent South Hurstville NSW 2221 Phone/Fax: 02 9546 4350
e-mail address: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> website:
On 24 Apr, 2005, at 16:19, Kim Stead wrote:

Hi again
Not sure what happened in theatre as I only heard about it afterwards but it sounded pretty straight forward after the initial panic and getting to theatre before mum birthed her baby herself.  What was really disappointing is the two people involved - a clinical nurse educator and student midwife.   I don't blame the student at all but think someone supposedly experienced enough to be in a teaching role, should have known better and acted accordingly......  Afterwards the student was very overwhelmed and the nurse educator repeatedly kept saying, thank god we got her to theatre and saved her!!!  I was completely speechless about the whole event.  What message does this student take away from this situation and how will this affect her future midwifery practice??? 
I've never been fortunate enough to be present at a breech birth but knowing the mechanisms and rules of hands off etc, think that we would all be capable of supporting mum to birth this baby herself.  There is always senior staff on hand but perhaps that is where the problem lays?  Just thinking out loud. 
I prey that I get to see this and vaginal twin birth before I retire.
-------Original Message-------

Date: 04/24/05 12:54:07



yes this was very much a planned breech birth. we have a breech-very keen obstetrician and there have been 4 at that hospital this week including 2 breech twins. (this one was actually caught by the MW with him in the room)
the mum's attitude too, was such a huge part of it i think. she just thought 'why wouldnt i be able to birth her??' so she birthed her on the birth stool with no troubles :)
what happened once in theatre kim?

Kim Stead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That sounds wonderful Emily.  I 'assume' is was a known/planned breech birth??  The last one at our hospital was an undiagnosed multi who was fully, raced to theatre in order to 'save' mum and babe!!  Arhh!!  It is certainly a dying art.
Kiwi Kim
-------Original Message-------

Date: 04/24/05 11:42:34



yepo mine is sent off too Jan.
BTW, this morning at 5am i was at a lovely vaginal breech birth and a new little black haired girl came in to the world on the night of the full moon. this was the first breech baby i had seen born - except for videos! - and i was amazed how quick it all was. about 3 hrs 1st stage and 18 mins of pushing. and an 8 pound 5 girl.

Justine Caines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Nicole and all

I believe I wrote this letter some time ago.  I am unsure where it has resurfaced from!!

Tony Abbott embarrassed?  Who cares.

The update on the Medicare safety-net is.

It was purely from Obstetricians hiking their fees (70% in 12 months!!) that blew the safety net out.  So what does the responsible Howard Government do?

Doe they rope in Obstetricians gross increase?  No

They punish the poorest Australian’s and increase the safety net from $300 to $500.

Remember this 70% increase only represents care for 30% of Australian women (as that’s how many private Obs care for).

Rural women pay  as taxpayers for Medicare to receive  no service (within Cooee). While they subsidise Australia’s wealthiest speciali! sts a! nd women.

So Tony Abbott has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to curb spending by Obs.  I would hazard a guess that the majority of women accessing Private Ob services were not within the $300 safety net bracket anyway, they would of been in the higher $700 bracket.  So this is an absolute JOKE, and Mr Abbott needs to know we are on to him.  I think Fed Treasurer Costello needs a visit too!!


Justine Caines
National President  Maternity Coalition Inc
PO Box 105
Ph: (02) 65482248
Fax: (02)65482902
Mob: 0408 210273

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