I know a midwife in WA a few years back  who attended a homebirth in a country area expecting a singleton
to discover twins
The woman had seen a doctor and an U/S on at least 2 previous occasions
Denise Hynd
"Let us support one another, not just in philosophy but in action, for the sake of freedom for all women to choose exactly how and by whom, if by anyone, our bodies will be handled."
— Linda Hes
----- Original Message -----
To: ozmid
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 7:29 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] missing twins

Sue I have experienced an uss missing twins on two occasions.  I had an awful working relationship in an isolated aboriginal community setting with a doctor who thought it was appropriate to ultrasound pregnant women rather than actually palpating their abdomens at all.  All these women had no dates and so I always guesstimated their dates by fundal height etc.  We had a very basic uss machine but good enough to get a bpd and placental position etc.  Women were always in 2nd trimester at the earliest when presenting for the first visit.  Doctor scanned woman - gave estimate of gestation and placental site - singleton pregnancy.  I saw woman again in four weeks time and hello - very marked increase in fundal height - took her into town to do a formal uss with an ultrasonographer and there were 2 babies!  This also happened again within a few months with same doctor ( amazing coincidence).  Goes to show that there is a lot to be said for the power of a tape measure and the same measurer.  Suffice it to say I had ongoing issues with this person's practice, patient care and politics involved.

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