Thanks for your replies.  I have passed them on.  

Sylvia Boutsalis
Childbirth Educator
Infant Massage Instructor

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lynne Slater
Sent: Thursday, 8 September 2005 8:20 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] baby poo

I've seen friends' babies experience this and it can be really
distressing. I remember from my earlier days that S26 always caused a
green colour in the "poo" so this may explain the colour. However, it
may also indicate an intolerance to the lactose, which all my children
What is concerning is the straining, and the baby may need something
like juices to provide some loosening effects. Some of my friends used
prune juice as inbetween fluid, and this worked really well. Lynne

Mrs. Lynne Slater,
RW 2-39, Richardson Wing
School of Nursing and Midwifery, 
Faculty of Health
University of Newcastle
Callaghan 2308

Phone 02 49217707
Fax 02 49216301
Mobile 0408 882554

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>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/09/05 7:17:16 >>>
No-one else seems to have replied so I will jump in. In my opinion it is
probably the baby's physical reaction to the abrupt change in diet.  If
baby was weaned slowly and formula replaced gradually i.e one feed at a
time over a period of weeks then the reaction would probably not be as
obvious. Formula-babies' poos are usually clay-like in consistency and
bub may well be constipated on top of this.  Formula-fed bubs are prone
to constipation - breast-fed babies are almost never constipated.  I
agree that changing formula will most probably not help in this instance
- it is most probably a reaction to formula in general as apposed to a
specific type or brand.  It is probably best that if mum does decide to
change that she goes with a whey-dominant formula as these have been
"humanised" as apposed to a casein dominant formula which is more like
cow's milk (S26 is whey dominant).







-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sylvia
Sent: Tuesday, 6 September 2005 10:12 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] baby poo


Hi there,


I have a question regarding baby poo.   This baby is 6 1/2 months old,
fully breast fed until 3 weeks ago when her mother put her on straight
formula (S26 premium), no weaning.  The baby is not eating any form of
solids as yet.  She is apparently over 70 cms (which I think the mum
said was the normal height for a 9month old).  She looks like she is
gaining weight normally. 


Her poo has been clay-like from the beginning of formula feeding,
greenish/grey mostly with some specks of yellow occasionally.  It is
causing her so much distress when she is trying to poo, with her going
red, holding her breath for ages and even sweating so much I had to wipe
her face with a tissue.  Is this normal???  I have seen this baby try to
do a poo before and there was a never ending stream of clay coming out
of her bottom.  I wiped it away and then saw some more, wiped that, then
more etc etc.  It's not a bowel motion I've ever seen before and I'm a
bit concerned.  I told the mother to change formula but a health nurse
(phone call to a service) told her not to change the formula and that it
takes babies ages to adjust.  That doesn't ring true to me, so I wanted
another opinion.


I told the mother to take the baby to a paediatrician pronto just to be
sure, as this baby's distress was alarming.  


Any advice?


Thanks in advance


Sylvia Boutsalis

Infant Massage Instructor

Childbirth Educator


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