I agree I'd be looking at her hips before thinking of a kidney tumour. Urinary reflux is very common.
Andrea Q
On 13/09/2005, at 1:43 PM, Kylie Carberry wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I was in need of some information in regard to my 18 month old daughter, Poppy, and although I have a doctors appt it is not until tomorrow afternoon and I thought someone on this list may have some info on what I am looking for...

Poppy was diagnosed with urinary reflux at about seven weeks following a renal scan.  The scan was recommended as I had a two vessel cord which was apparent at my 18 week scan during pregnancy.  After several UTI's and assciated kidney infections (despite antib's), she has been booked in for surgery to correct the 'faulty' ureters that are causing the reflux. 

Since about 10 months old when she began to walk around furniture we have noticed Poppy kind of limps...she kind of throws her left leg out as she is walking.  We thought we'd wait until walking was fully established until worrying - after all she has one thing wrong and what parent wants to think there could be something else.  Anyway she has now been walking unaided for about 2 months and I was starting to worry  because of the still obvious limp she has.  I laid her down the other day and when I put her legs out in front was astonished that the right is actually 2 cm longer than the left.  It all made sense and we couldn't believe we overlooked it.  Whilst awaiting for xrays to come back I have done some internet research and I believe you call this condition hemihypertrophy.  Now I suddenly panicked when I saw that this could be related to a kidney cancer called Wilms' tumor.  My initial panic subsided and I began to think if she did have this Wilms surely they would have picked it up somewhere over the last year and a half amidst the numerous nuclear kidney scans and ultrasounds she has had.  I am praying that I am right and it is just a case of one leg being longer for growth reasons, but does anyone think it could be related to the urinary problem?  Could they have overlooked it during all of the tests?

Any info or thoughts would be truly appreciated...

best wishes

Kylie Carberry
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