Just a very subjective observation based on 9 months in Qld... I think that the women and mws here are more politicised. Perhaps it is that there is more to fight for - not sure. But, I have met more highly motivated women and mw in the last 9 months than I did in years in the UK. In the UK although the system was 'better', I was considered by colleagues as a bit weird and alternative. Here, although I annoy plenty of people, there are also many who think along the same lines.

As for Australia - my family and I absolutely love it here. The place and the people more than make up for a maternity system in need of change.


From: "Janet Fraser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
To: <ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au>
Subject: Re: Re: [ozmidwifery] The Advertiser today...
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 23:30:06 +1100

In terms of different health care systems, it is important to note that any
access women have to services can only be as great as women's standing in
that community. Gven that Australia only ranks about 28th in the world for
percentage of women in parliament, and our rape stats are some of the worst
in the world, it is hardly surprising that we are apparently stuck with our
dysfunctional, unfriendly, maternity care system with it's comparatively
poor outcomes. Countries like the UK, Holland and NZ are all ranked higher
up in the list than Australia in terms of women's political involvement.
This doesn't mean that women politicians are somehow more open to maternity
reform, this is an individual thing. But it does indicate a better level of
representation and respect of women as citiziens first and foremost, with
inalienable human rights. Perhaps until we address some of the wider
inequities in this country, we are indeed stuck with our current system?
Ultimately however it is it's own worst enemy as a large group of
traumatised, angry, disgruntled and highly motivated women is growing as a
result of how we're treated in hospitals. Yes, there are exceptions but they
are just that - exceptions.
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