I think you will find what you are looking for in  the Hinchingbrooke trial.  The results make very interesting reading.  If you type it into a goggle search engine you will find lots of critiques on it. 
I attending the initial presentation of this trial.  Although they did find actively managed labours had a lower pph outcome it was only with a pph thought to be over 500ml.  When they changed the pph value to over 1000ml they actually found no difference in the rate.  They questioned whether with women's health having improved along with diet and education maybe a re evaluation of pph on women's symptoms of large amounts of blood loss rather than our current system of estimating the loss of blood is more appropriate. (By that they didn't mean huge losses but maybe the 300 to 700ml estimation which varies a lot between practitioners. Also some women are not symptomatic after a 700ml loss so have they had a pph?)
I'm not sure I've said this very well so maybe reading the trial for yourself will make it clearer.
From: Emily
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 9:26 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] PPH risks

 hi everyone
does anyone know of any evidence on the volume of PPHs averted by active management? the big studies 'show' (whether flawed or not) that active management decreases the risk of PPH, but id like to know how much of this decrease is in the minor PPH range 500mL-1000mL which isnt likely to be symptomatic or adversely affect the woman anyway.

another thing i find amazing is that physiological management 'isnt allowed' because of the increased risk of PPH, yet an emergency caesarean is associated with a 9 times increased risk of PPH !! and elective caesarean with a 4 times increased risk. an episiotomy is associated with a 5 times increased risk. yet these are never used as reasons why we shouldnt use such interventions. it is just accepted as part of the process. but any risk associated with leaving things alone is seen as unacceptable
(reference http://www.show.scot.nhs.uk/sign/guidelines/sogap/sogap4.html)!


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