Thanks all for your thoughts and I completely agree, but how do we get that
out there in the mainstream? Because my forum is mainstream (but I have
secretly loaded up the site with gentle articles) and it's soooo busy,
especially since we get lots of promotion in the major parenting mags. While
I have made progress over the year in regards to active birth and it's
promotion, I struggle with my own frustration over what to constantly say to
the so many who have fear issues, e.g. one recently said she wanted a repeat
caesar as her first birth was too distressing (didn't see details why but I
think it was a fear thing) so she only wants another, (followed by lots of
others pro-choice about caesars) then posted after somewhere else to say
that they are scared of the caesar process... as you all well know, there
are so many women like this, with complete fear of everything related to
birthing, believing their Obs when they say they need 38 week inductions
just because they have GD (no signs of problems) or as one woman said, in
her words, in regards to the necessity of caesars, 'my pelvis is in the
wrong place so I just can't give birth normally'. It requires such a
meticulous thought process to reply with factual information which isn't
offensive or seen as anti- anything especially a woman's choices or beliefs,
so if any of you feel you can help me spread the word in a positive way then
please join my forums at ! I do my head
in sometimes; you make progress with one but take two steps back with
someone else. I guess that's the joy of the mainstream. I really thought I
would attract more gentle parenting people but in reality, it's the
mainstream attracted to a site which is known for being well moderated,
friendly and supportive. There are quite a few in there who are into the
gentle scene, but not enough, I feel I am continually supporting and
reassuring everyone and when I need it myself about all sorts of issues - be
it parenting or birth - I can't really turn to any of them. I go to another
forum!!! However there are some lovely gentle midwives on my forum who have
joined recently and been complete lifesavers.

I am proud of what I am doing, I am not in it for money, I don't get paid
for what I do, but rather, I love seeing women turn around their thoughts
about birthing and standing up and saying no to their Obs due to the
encouragement and confidence they receive through other women, but one
little person amongst so many women on a forum trying to make a difference
to so many women is tough! I know we are all trying to do that, but there
are so many scared women and not enough of us promoting what we believe - or
rather, know about birth.

Sorry for the rant... I'll shuddup now!

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Director, &
Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Baby
Australian Little Tikes Specialists 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of leanne wynne
Sent: Wednesday, 11 January 2006 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Tearing after using Epi-No?

Hi All,
I absolutely agree with Justine and Brenda. Artificial tools like the 
'Epi-No' merely serve to instill fear of birthing and undermine women's 
belief in the ability of their own bodies to birth naturally and well. I 
have the same opinion of perineal massage - it just focuses the womens 
thoughts on the possibility, even likelihood that she will tear. Women need 
to focus on the positive beauty of birth not obsess over whether they will 
tear or not. The fact is that even if she does tear a little it will heal 
Just my opinion...

Leanne Wynne
Midwife in charge of "Women's Business"
Mildura Aboriginal Health Service  Mob 0418 371862

>From: "brendamanning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Tearing after using Epi-No?
>Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 23:43:38 +1100
>Well, the bad news is that labour will be much more intense that what she's

>experienced with the epi-no!
>The good news is that the vagina is very vascular & in a healthy woman 
>heals quickly. A lot of blood can result from a quite minor laceration & 
>it'll almost certainly be healed by her birth time. It probably won't 
>affect her ability to birth without tearing.
>I'm with Justine......those gadgets are money-making toys & dangerous to 
>boot !
>With kind regards
>Brenda Manning
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Kelly @ BellyBelly
>   To:
>   Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:51 PM
>   Subject: [ozmidwifery] Tearing after using Epi-No?
>   Wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a woman I am supporting due 
>in two weeks who emailed me with this:
>   "I had a slight incident this morning... Was using an epi-no birth 
>trainer (for the second time) in an effort to reduce the risk of tearing or

>needing an episiotomy, and although it didn't hurt when it was inside me, 
>when i pushed it out according to the instructions, i thought that it hurt 
>like i was tearing apart, and boy, i hope labour isn't this bad
>   But i was right, cos i went the the toilet straight away and there was 
>blood all over the tissues and toilet seat etc... Called my obs, who said 
>not to worry, i've probably just torn a bit of my vagina, and it can happen

>during birth etc...
>   Anyway, only bleeding a little bit now, but as i'm due VERY soon, i'm a 
>little worried it wont heal in time and i'll tear really badly now...
>   Does anyone know how long will it take for this to heal so i don't have 
>to worry???"
>   Best Regards,
>   Kelly Zantey
>   Creator,
>   Gentle Solutions For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Parenthood
>   BellyBelly Birth Support
><< image001.gif >>

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