Farm birth nothing to kid about

MANY four-legged kids have been born at Collingwood Children's Farm, but never a two-legged one . . . until now.

Brunswick woman Nicole Allard gave birth to Saskia under a peppercorn tree at the farm on Sunday afternoon.

A baby goat born at the farm later that day has been named Saskia in her honour.

Nicole and her partner Julian Elliott, both doctors, were on a family outing with their two children when the 36-year-old went into labour.

They had been aid workers in Cambodia for the past three years.

The pair only returned home to Melbourne so they could have their baby in a local hospital, not knowing she would be born at a farm instead.

But, after trying to walk to her car, Nicole knew she wasn't going to make it to the hospital in time.

After farm staff fetched towels and cordoned off the area, Julian delivered his daughter under a peppercorn tree, with their children watching on.

"It was beautiful to have a child outside," Nicole said.

"The thing I'm most relieved about is that I delivered there and not one of the other places I was last week, like Federation Square."

Mother and baby are doing well, with Saskia a healthy 3.5kg.

Collingwood Children's Farm assistant manager Frank Palomares said the happy event came as quite a shock to staff.

"Our farmers are trained to deliver animals, but not humans," he said.


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