Hi Sylvia,

The links to the archive pages are right there on the page with the signup 


You will find that most public mailing lists are archived to the web. Ozmid is 
a public list that anyone can join be they midwife, ob, consumer, or other 
interested party and there may be many members who read but don't post so you 
don't know they are there. Even if it weren't archived to the web you must keep 
in mind that you have no idea who is reading your posts in this public forum.


At 11:18 AM +1030 4/2/06, Sylvia Boutsalis wrote:
>Hi all,
>My cousin told me she recently googled our name "Boutsalis" and came up with 
>quite a few hits.  So out of curiosity I did it just yesturday on both yahoo 
>and google.  Do you know that my questions to Ozmid came up on the search?
>I thought this list is private and yet the questions I had about hair dye and 
>baby poo came up?  Would anyone else like to try their own names to see what 
>happens.  I didn't check other names because you know what you wrote better 
>than I do. We express some radical views on the list and wouldn't want anyone 
>getting into trouble.
>Are the moderators aware of this...Andrea?
>Sylvia Boutsalis

Jo Bourne
Virtual Artists Pty Ltd
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