I work in a very small hospital, covering acute, aged care, emergency, as
well as midwifery.
One of our GP obstetricians has requested that we have Misoprostol in stock
(which we already have for acute patients) as "all the hospitals now use it
for post-partum bleeding".  I would be interested to know how common this is
as it is another off label use.  I'm also concerned that it will then be a
small step to use if for cervical ripening/IOL.
I notice in Hale that it is a category L3 (moderately safe) whereas
Ergometrine is L4 (possibly hazardous) in breastfeeding mothers.  I'm
remembering the "olden days" when Ergometrine tablets were used fairly
routinely for women with incomplete 3rd stage or were passing clots - I
don't remember the exact dose - but it was used over several days in
reducing doses (I even had it myself 30 yrs ago!).
Interested to hear any comments or research that anyone has regarding
Misoprostol and post-partum bleeding (I'm assuming he means haemorrhage, not
normal bleeding).

Joy Cocks RN (Div 1) RM CBE IBCLC
BRIGHT Vic 3741

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