Linda Corby wrote:

dear wise women, I am having trouble getting information on "spurious labour" for a Grad Dip midwifery assignment question. Any info and references helpful?? Also, is it the same as false labour, or different? thankyou, Linda Corby

Just love that language - not! My guess is that 'spurious labour' is the labour that gets the OB out of bed at 2 or 3am, to find a primip woman 2-3 cm dilated who has not been given any idea antenatally what labour is going to be like, & really just needs some good support but gets a frustrated OB instead! No offense meant to any OB's here, or you Linda for quoting a euphemism being used by our teaching establishments - but maybe you could add something in yr assignment about how this kind of language serves to belittle & demean *women's* experience of birth, by pointing the focus to someone elses experience - like, 'spurious' for whom? 'False' for whom? "Sorry madam, but your physical sensations are not actually real". Yeah, right!


Jennifairy Gillett RM

Midwife in Private Practice

Women’s Health Teaching Associate

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