Here is my letter.......pretty tame but hopefully to the point. My brain is 
still not functioning very well. no wonder really, after 6 months of no more 
than 2 hours sleep at a time!

"I have just read the article NI published 'Birth Choices'. UnfortunateIy, I 
found it to be a very uneducated and misinformed article. Gino certainly did 
not present a balanced view on the real choices a mother faces for the birth of 
her child nor was his information evidence based, but rather his own personal 
opinion. In our day of the wonderful WWW, one only has to do a quick search to 
see the innaccuracy of his article. 
This article was certainly a disservice to the many mums to be that are also NI 
readers. It would be great if NI could present a more balanced and researched 
article with input from different ObGyn's, midwives and also mothers, the true 
experts on childbirth. A panel to share equally would be wonderful. 
Professionals from all walks eg. a conventional ObGyn, an alternative ObGyn, a 
hospital midwife and an independent midwife, a mum who chooses c-sections and a 
mum that has birthed at home, maybe even a mum that freebirthed.
I think a really important point to remember, that is often forgotten when 
discussing childbirth choices, is that Gino, along with every other male or 
female 'professional' that hasn't given birth, can not ever fully give a true 
presentation of choices in childbirth. He or she is not a woman that has been 
pregnant or birthed a baby. As women, we are so different to men and those 
differences play a huge part in childbirth. Pregnant women and labouring 
mothers have so many different hormones, experiences and feelings that play in 
their every waking moment. This is something that no one can explain or 
understand unless they have been there. Statistics and 'evidence based studies' 
can never represent a womans journey through pregnancy and birth. You see, a 
choice is not that easy these days, it is no longer so black and white.
A doctor may see a physically healthy mum and baby as the most important 
outcome, but the emotional state of a new mum, the bond her and her baby make 
and so many other factors come into play in a truly healthy and good outcome 
which leads to a good life and future for both mum and baby.
I look forward to seeing a better, more informed and balanced article in the 
near future.

Have a lovely day

Abby Hogarth ~ Blackheath, NSW ~ mother of two beautiful girls 1st born via 
caeserean 2nd a beautiful and healing homebirth

> Janet Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear New Idea,
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