Hello Kelly,

Diane said "

Kelly, be careful about what you say in the de-brief. ... it is far more important to listen to her and let her vent
than giving her too much information. She will be very raw and vulnerable and will take in everything you say..."

agree wholeheartedly with that.

Kindness, love and listening. Let her talk and cry if she needs to, ask open questions about how she feels and what she thinks... meaning making is important after any event and particularly the birth of her precious, beautiful baby.

Being able to listen to the difficult parts with love and openness are critical, inviting her to talk about her feelings " how is that for you..." "how do you feel about that..."

and being able to be with her through her pain without having to 'fix' it... it is important to know that she has the internal power and strength to find meaning and resolution

the biggest thing is being able to express what has happened in an open, trusting, trustworthy space and being heard... during the reflective process it is amazing what insights we come up with for ourselves. Pain expressed in the loving presence of someone who lets us do that, means the molecules/chemicals of emotion are liberated and are not mapped in our neurology as deeply as it would have been had it not been expressed.

It is great she has you to talk to! What a blessing. So many women nurse their hurts to themselves and that hurt becomes woven into the fabric of who they are.

warmly, Carolyn Hastie

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