Title: Message
Mary here is a quick summary of what I found all pretty standard stuff.....have full text papers if anyone is interested in any of the points...some of interest forwarded to the list..
  • isolated oligohydramnios at term in relation to no other fetal or maternal health issue is  not an indication for IOL...although may require further monitoring
  • oligohydramnios diagnosed prior to third trimester has poor outcomes- live birth rate in one small study of only 1 in 15
  • measurement of liqour volume is done in different ways and alone is a poor predictor of problems but is probably quite useful when combined with other tests such as dopplers to monitor high risk pregnancies
  • oligohydramnios is common in IUGR and in such cases warrants further ongoing assessment of fetal wellbing
  • fetal growth restriction is the most common cause of stillbirth and one study suggests probably plays a large role in those IUFDs which are reported as unexplained
  • overall oligohydramnios probably is related to an an increase in fetal intolerability of labour and an increase in CS for fetal distress; and a increase in the incidence of low apgar  at 5 minutes; no study has shown at relationship between oligohydramnios and neonatal acidosis
  • maternal oral hydration has been shown to improve liqour volume within hours and probably has a lasting effect
Regards Lisa
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mary Murphy
Sent: Tuesday, 11 July 2006 6:24 PM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Low liquor was Trial of scar

“have done my own lit r/v and answered my own questions!!  Regards Lisa” 


Lisa, would you share this with us?  I am very interested in the subject.  Thanks. MM




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