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Results: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology 

(C) Lippincott-Raven Publishers

Volume 40(2), June 1997, pp 303-313

Clinical Assessment of Amniotic  Fluid

Department of Reproductive Medicine,  University of California San Diego
Correspondence: Thomas R. Moore,  MD, Mail Code 8433, 200 West Arbor Drive,
San Diego, CA 92118.




  Clinical  Value of Amniotic Fluid Volume Assessment




  Factors Influencing  Amniotic Fluid Volume



  Gestational Age Influences on Amniotic Fluid Volume

  Techniques of Estimating Amniotic Fluid  Volume



  Indications for and  Frequency of Amniotic Fluid Volume Assessment




Fig.  1
Table  1
Table  2
Fig. 2
Table 3
Fig. 3


Appreciation  of the importance of amniotic fluid volume as an indicator of
fetal status is a relatively  recent development.1 Before 1975, discussions
of amniotic fluid  volume in the obstetric literature were limited to
observations of the quantity of  fluid released after rupture of membranes.
The occurrence of thick meconium and fetal  distress in post dates
pregnancy, for example, was attributed vaguely to "placental
insufficiency." More recently, progressive improvements in ultrasonographic
imaging  have taken the technology of fetal and amniotic fluid assessment
from the stage of  subjective impression to the present state in which
relatively sophisticated judgments  of fetal condition can be based on
reproducible measurements.

In  present practice, semiquantitative amniotic fluid volume assessment
during routine  ultrasound (US) examination and antepartum testing has
become the standard of care.  However, the complicated relationships imposed
by the placenta and complexly folded  fetus within an irregularly ovoid
uterus have impeded the development of a precise  method of calculating
amniotic fluid volume ultrasonographically. And although both  subjective
and semiquantitative methods of estimating amniotic volume are in use,  the
best technique remains controversial. In this article, the author reviews
the  relative precision of the various volume estimation techniques and
clinical situations  in which amniotic fluid volume assessment is helpful.


Clinical  Value of Amniotic Fluid Volume Assessment


Recognizing abnormal amniotic fluid volume before delivery may alert  the
clinician to situations of potentially high perinatal risk. Chamberlain et
al.2 observed a perinatal mortality rate of 4.12/1,000 in pregnancies  with
polyhydramnios compared with a rate of 1.97/1,000 when the amniotic fluid
normal. The perinatal mortality rate was increased 13-fold more than normal
when  amniotic fluid volume was sonographically marginal, and increased
(187.5/1,000)  if severe oligohydramnios was present.

Pregnancies complicated by extremes  of amniotic fluid volume also
experience increased maternal and neonatal morbidity.  During labor,
polyhydramnios is associated with abnormal fetal lie, operative delivery,
and abruptio placentae.3 Preterm delivery occurred in 11.1% in  patients
with polyhydramnios studied by Varma et al.4 compared  with 6.7% in controls
with normal fluid. Fetal distress, low Apgar scores, macrosomia,  and
intensive care nursery admission were significantly more frequent in the
polyhydramnios  group.

With oligohydramnios, meconium, fetal heart rate abnormalities, and
depressed Apgar scores are more frequent: neonatal (31.2%) and fetal (25.0%)
rates were doubled compared with controls;5 fetal distress requiring
operative intervention was tripled (64%) with oligohydramnios compared with
21% of 
normals (P = .005).6 Crowley et al.7  reported meconium staining in 29% and
an emergency cesarean section rate of 11% with  oligohydramnios in post-date
patients but only 2% in normals. Maternal complications  of oligohydramnios
include increased incidence of hypertension (22.1%), second trimester
bleeding (4.1%), and abruptio placentae (4.2%).8


Recognition of abnormal amniotic fluid volume may provide  clues to
congenital anomalies, which might otherwise be overlooked. The finding of
polyhydramnios may lead to detection of fetal gastrointestinal obstruction
atresia, or thoracic masses compressing the esophagus such as diaphragmatic
hernia).4 Cardiac, intracranial, spinal, and ventral wall anomalies have
also been reported with excessive amniotic fluid.9 Oligohydramnios  is
associated with increased incidence of fetal urinary tract abnormalities,
uretero-pelvic junction, uretero-vesical and posterior urethral obstruction,
polycystic  kidneys, and renal agenesis.10 Long-standing oligohydramnios 
restricts fetal movements, predisposing to compression orthopedic
abnormalities and  interfering with normal fetal lung development, resulting
in lethal or sublethal  pulmonary hypoplasia.11


Oligohydramnios may be a sign  of poor placental function. Oligohydramnios
is frequently associated with intrauterine  growth retardation, intrapartum
asphyxia, and fetal demise because fetal urinary  flow is determined in part
by the state of fetal hydration, which is in turn determined  by placental
function. When serial amniotic fluid volume studies were performed on 
hypertensive women in late pregnancy, intrauterine growth retardation
frequency was  inversely proportional to amniotic fluid volume.12

Acute  decreases in amniotic fluid volume may signal worsening of maternal
hypertension  and declining placental function. When Cruz et al.13 compared 
Doppler studies in patients with oligohydramnios and normals, those with
decreased  fluid had significantly higher flow resistances in both the
maternal uterine and  fetal umbilical arteries, suggesting that decreased
amniotic fluid is evidence of  inadequate placental perfusion. In postdate
pregnancies, Tongsong et al.14  noted that amniotic fluid volume was
significantly more accurate in predicting intrapartum  fetal distress than
the nonstress test (NST) with sensitivity, specificity, and positive
predictive values of 72.73%, 90.87%, and 26.67%, respectively. Hashimoto et
al.15 also reported a strong association between sonographically detected
oligohydramnios and the fetal postmaturity syndrome.

Factors Influencing  Amniotic Fluid Volume


Fetal urination  is the major source of amniotic fluid after fetal kidney
function begins at 10-12  weeks.16 Animal studies indicate that fetal
urinary flow rate  at term is copious (200 ml/kg daily).17 Human studies
using  using serial US measurements of fetal bladder dimensions have
suggested an even higher  rate of 1,200 ml daily.18 Considering that
amniotic fluid volume  is approximately 800 ml at term, it is likely that
the normal fetus turns over the  entire volume of amniotic fluid in less
than 24 hours. Changes in fetal urinary flow  rate can therefore be expected
to have a major impact on amniotic fluid volume. However, 
at present the clinical situations in which amniotic fluid volume is
affected by  changes in fetal renal function are as yet unclear.
Nevertheless, clinical evaluation  of oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios
should consider fetal renal anatomy and function  as a key factor.

Fetal lung fluid is a minor contributor to amniotic fluid  volume. In the
near term sheep, lung fluid amounts to approximately 400 ml daily.  However,
because much of the fluid leaving the trachea is swallowed immediately,
only approximately half reaches the amniotic cavity.19 In human  fetuses,
lung fluid contribution to amniotic fluid is probably even less significant
because very little amniotic fluid is present with renal agenesis.


Fetal swallowing is the major path by which fluid is removed  from amniotic
cavity. Pritchard's 20 measurements of human fetal  swallowing using
radiolabeled erythrocytes injected into the amniotic cavity indicate  a
swallowing rate of approximately 500 ml daily. This estimate, similar to the
rates  per kilogram obtained in laboratory animals, is far less than the
approximately 1,000  ml entering the amniotic space daily via the kidneys,
which suggests that another 
pathway of fluid removal must be operative in the regulation of amniotic
fluid volume.

Other pathways. Other potential mechanisms that may help balance the excess 
fluid entering the amniotic space include transmembranous movement (across
the membranes  into the maternal circulation) and intramembranous movement
(into the fetal circulation  via the blood vessels on the fetal surface of
the placenta). Although neither of  these pathways has been completely
explored in human pregnancies, both have been  shown in animal models.21 It
is likely that transmembranous  fluid resorption plays a major role in
amniotic fluid volume regulation in all mammalian  species.

Gestational Age Influences on Amniotic Fluid Volume

The  most accurate picture of amniotic fluid volume changes during human
gestation is  provided in a compilation of 705 published observations of
amniotic volumes in normal  pregnancies ranging from 8-43 weeks gestation by
Brace and Wolf.22  Their findings are shown in Figure 1.


      FIG.  1. Amniotic fluid volume as a function of gestational age. The
shaded area covers  95% confidence interval. Reproduced with permission from
Brace RA, Wolf EJ. Normal  amniotic fluid volume changes throughout
pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1989; 161:382-388.


Several  points about amniotic fluid trends during pregnancy are illustrated
by Figure  1.

 1. Amniotic fluid volume (AFV) rises progressively during gestation  until
approximately 32 weeks.

 2. From 32 to term, the mean AFV is relatively  constant, in the range of
700-800 ml.

 3. After 40 weeks, there is a progressive  decline in amniotic fluid volume
at a rate of 8%/wk, with amniotic fluid volume averaging  only 400 ml at 42

 4. The variation in "normal" fluid volume below the  mean value is smaller
than the upper variation in the third trimester. "Oligohydramnios" (defined
as the 5th percentile) is approximately 300 ml. However, variation in the
upper range is almost threefold greater, so that "hydramnios" (>95th
percentile)  varies from 1700-1900 ml.

Techniques of Estimating Amniotic Fluid  Volume

The optimal technique for sonographic estimation of amniotic fluid volume 
should reproducibly estimate amniotic fluid volume and should correlate well
with  abnormal fetal and maternal physiologic states. It should also be
simple enough to  be learned and used readily clinically.

Subjective Assessment.  This method, in which the relative amount of
echo-free fluid areas are subjectively  compared with the space occupied by
the fetus and placenta, is simple and rapid.  However, a highly trained
observer is required for reproducible results, and the  lack of a numerical
result for noting trends is a significant disadvantage. The study  of
Halperin et al.,23 in which experienced sonographers subjectively  assigned
patients to groups with normal, borderline-low, or reduced amniotic fluid
volume, found that more experienced sonographers had significantly higher
intraobserver  correlation scores ([kappa] = .94 vs. [kappa] = .63). Despite
the problems with reproducibility,  Moore et al.10 showed that welltrained
observers could subjectively  identify patients with oligohydramnios with an
intraclass correlation coefficient  of 0.81.

Maximum Vertical Pocket (MVP). This technique evolved  from the studies of
Chamberlain et al.2 in which the single deepest  uninterrupted pocket of
amniotic fluid is measured. The criteria for "abnormal" amniotic  fluid
volume based on the MVP are summarized in Table 1. Oligohydramnios  was
defined as the absence of any amniotic fluid pocket of at least 1 cm in
depth ("1-cm rule") and polyhydramnios was any pocket >8 cm. This scale,
which has been  widely adopted, has the advantages of providing a
semiquantitative result and reasonable 
predictive power for poor pregnancy outcome.2 However, although  the
single-pocket technique is reasonably reproducible, the criteria for a
"normal"  MVP were derived from a group of high risk, predominantly postdate
patients. Moreover, 
the predictive power for poor perinatal outcome is limited. Although Hoddick
noted  that a 


      TABLE  1. Qualitative Amniotic Fluid Assessment Using the Maximum
Vertical Pocket Visible  on Ultrasound 


Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI).  First described by Phelan et al.,27 this method
involves summing  the maximum vertical pockets in each of four quadrants of
the uterus. The original  study, conducted on 197 patients from 12-42 weeks
indicated that the mean AFI increased  from 7 cm-20 cm until 26 weeks, then
plateaued at approximately 16 cm for the remainder  of gestation.

A later study defined cutoffs for the AFI, shown in Table  2.27 Although
derived from an high-risk population, the AFI  cutoffs provided a useful
working definition of "normal" amniotic fluid (AFI = 8-18  cm). Patients
with AFI values


      TABLE  2. Diagnostic Categories of the Amniotic Fluid Index 


To  more rigorously define "normal" values for the AFI, Moore and Cayle 28 
measured the AFI cross-sectionally in 791 patients with uncomplicated
pregnancies  from 16-44 weeks. The mean AFI and percentiles throughout
gestation from this group  of normal pregnancies are shown in Figure 2. Near
term, the mean  AFI is 12 cm; the 95th percentile (polyhydramnnios) is ~20
cm; the 5th percentile
(oligohydramnios) is ~7 cm. Notably, the 5-cm AFI value defined as
oligohydramnios  in the earlier studies of postdate patients occurs in only
1% of normal term patients.


      FIG. 2. Amniotic Fluid Index (in mm) plotted with gestational  age
(weeks). The solid line denotes the 50th percentile, dashed lines the 5th
95th percentiles, and dotted lines +/- 2 standard deviations (2.5th and
percentiles). Reproduced with permission from Moore TR, Cayle JE. The
amniotic fluid  index in normal human pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1990;



Reproducibility is a desirable characteristic  of an amniotic fluid volume
estimation method. When intraobserver and interobserver  variations were
assessed by Moore and Cayle,28 mean errors of  5 mm and 10 mm were noted
respectively, equivalent to 3% and 7% of the AFI. However,  although the
absolute error was fairly constant (~1 cm), the percentage error  was as
high as 10%-15% with AFIs 

Amniotic Fluid  Index Vs. Maximum Vertical Pocket. The relative efficiency
of the AFI and MVP  has been assessed in multiple studies. Moore's 33
of the AFI and MVP in 1,168 patients noted a correlation coefficient of
0.51. However,  the sensitivity of the MVP technique in identifying
oligohydramnios was poor: 58%  of cases with oligohydramnios by AFI had
"normal" values according to the single-pocket  technique. The sensitivity
and specificity in detecting polyhydramnios were 42% and  51%, respectively.
Other investigators comparing MVP and AFI have reached similar  conclusions
regarding the superiority of four-quadrant method.34-37

Correlation of Sonographic Estimates with Actual  Amniotic Fluid Volume.
Several recent studies have addressed the relationship  between the AFI and
actual amniotic fluid volume. Strong et al.38  correlated an intrauterine
infusion of 250 ml of saline with a rise in the AFI of  4 cm. Chauhan 5
recorded a mean increase in AFI of 5.8 +/-  2.6 cm after 250 ml saline were
infused into patients with ruptured membranes. These  infusion studies
suggest that a near-term mean AFI of 14 cm is equivalent to 700  ml, a value
notably similar to the 717 ml reported by Brace and Wolf.22

Magann  et al.39 compared the AFI, MVP, and a two-diameter sonographic
method to amniotic fluid volume calculated from direct measurements of
hippurate (PAH) dilution after injection into the amniotic cavity during
amniocentesis  in 40 third trimester pregnancies. A PAH mixing time of 30-40
minutes was used, and  each US measurement was obtained as a single value.
Oligohydramnios was defined as 1500 ml. "Normal" amniotic fluid  volume was
correctly predicted by the AFI in only 50%, the MVP was correctly predicted
in 50%, and the two-diameter method was correctly predicted in 61%. In
oligohydramnios, AFI was 65% efficient, MVP was 63% efficient, and
two-diameter was  75% efficient (P 

A similar study by Dildy et al.,40  performed using PAH in 50
third-trimester women undergoing amniocentesis, showed  that the AFI was
highly predictive of actual volume with a correlation coefficient  of 0.84,
and a mean error of 7%. An exponential curve relating amniotic fluid volume
(AFV) and AFI was determined (AFV = exp (5.19 + 0.093 - AFI). Using this
formula,  a near term AFI of 14 cm would correlate with an AFV of 660 ml,
(90% confidence interval  315-1,383 ml). However, when oligohydramnios was
present, the AFI overestimated the  true volume by as much as 89%; with
hydramnios, AFI underestimated actual volume  by 54%. Dildy et al. concluded
that current methods of amniotic fluid volume estimation  with US are
adequate for identifying grossly abnormal volumes of fluid, but lack  the
precision necessary for detailed volumetric correlations. These results are
consistent  with those of Moore and Cayle,28 and Croom et al.,34  who noted
that errors were magnified with oligohydramnios.

In summary, these  studies show that the AFI is an adequately reproducible
and proportional index of  actual amniotic fluid volume. Amniotic fluid
index is probably more reliable in identifying  extremes of amniotic fluid
volume than the MVP. However, no existing US method of  assessing amniotic
fluid volume has accuracy consistently less than +/- 25%.


The step-by-step technique for  determining the AFI is given in Table 3 and
is diagrammed in Figure 3. Adherence to these guidelines helps minimize
observational  variability. As noted by Bruner et al.,29 when serial
assessments  of AFI are necessary, repeat examinations by a single observer
results in the best 
accuracy. Other factors that could adversely affect AFI reproducibility
include measuring  very narrow pockets, measuring into gray or "fuzzy"
tangential sections of placenta  or fetal parts, and measuring the same
pocket twice in adjacent quadrants.


      TABLE 3. Amniotic Fluid Index Technique 



      FIG. 3. Schematic diagram of technique for measuring the  four
quadrant amniotic fluid index (AFI). See Table 3 for explanation.
Reproduced with permission from Gilbert WM. Disorders of Amniotic Fluid. In:
Creasy  RK, Resnik R, eds. Maternal Fetal Medicine. 3rd ed. Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders. 


Effect of Fetal Movement. The effect of fetal  movement during the scanning
process, shifting amniotic fluid between quadrants,  was addressed by Wax et
al.,41 who found that the mean change  in the amniotic fluid index after
fetal movement was 1.5 +/- 0.1 cm and 2.5 +/- 0.2 cm for post-movement
determinations by the same examiner and blinded  observer, respectively (P 

Effect of Transducer Type.  Choice of US transducer (linear, sector,
curvilinear) appears to have no significant  effect on AFI reproducibility.
When Del Valle et al.42 compared  AFI measurements among 3 transducer types
in 65 women between 26 and 40 weeks' gestation,  AFI values obtained with
the sector or convex transducers were as reliable as those  obtained with
the gold standard linear transducer.

Indications for and  Frequency of Amniotic Fluid Volume Assessment

Given the convenience and reproducibility  of the AFI, occasions in which
its inclusion in US and fetal biophysical assessments  have expanded
markedly. Suggested indications for amniotic fluid volume evaluation  are
summarized below.

During Routine Or Targeted Ultrasound Examinations  After 16 Weeks. Although
recording the relative amount of amniotic fluid present  at a routine
16-week size dates US scan may seem superfluous, the precise AFI value  and
associated gestational percentile offers valuable clues to existing
pathology (congenital anomalies). When subsequent amniotic fluid volume
abnormalities are noted,  AFI percentiles from an earlier scan can provide
important information about the 
time course and possible cause of the derangements.

Monitoring Patients  With Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes. Serial
evaluation of amniotic fluid  volume may provide important prognostic
information in patients with ruptured membranes  who are being managed
conservatively. Silver et al.43 found  an inverse correlation between
amniotic fluid index and latency period (the time  interval from membrane
rupture to labor onset and
delivery) in patients with premature  rupture of membranes (PROM). Patients
with adequate fluid had a significantly longer  interval between PROM and
delivery than with those with oligohydramnios (P P 

During Antepartum Testing. Many studies  have underscored the value of
adding the AFI to the non-stress test (NST). Rutherford  et al.45 reported
that the incidence of abnormal perinatal outcome (e.g., fetal distress,
cesarean section, meconium staining, low Apgar scores) was  higher among
patients with AFI 5 cm and a reactive NST may reduce the risk of fetal death
to a negligible  level.

The relative value of the amniotic fluid volume measurement within the
fetal biophysical profile was reported by Youssef et al.48 The  AFI was more
sensitive in predicting mortality (87.5%), low 5-minute Apgar score (88.8%),
fetal distress during labor (86.6%), meconium-stained amniotic fluid,
(63.6%),  and the presence of intrauterine growth retardation (79.4%) than
the fetal biophysical  profile score overall. Furthermore, these
investigators showed that using the AFI  instead of a single pocket
measurement in the fetal biophysical profile increased  the sensitivity and
positive predictive value of the fetal biophysical profile from  64.7%-76.4%
and from 45.8%-68.4%, respectively.

The frequency at which AFI  evaluations should be repeated during antepartum
testing (weekly, twice weekly) remains  controversial. Marks et al.49
reported a progressive decrease  in AFI after 40 weeks of only 25% per week,
suggesting that weekly AFI measurements  are adequate. When Lagrew et al.50
studied the change in AFI  during twice weekly testing, patients with
borderline AFIs (5-8
cm) had a 5% chance  of oligohydramnios developing within the next 4 days,
whereas patients with normal  AFIs (>=8 cm) had only a 0.54% risk. Patients
with oligohydramnios (AFI 50% decrease)  had no association with adverse
fetal outcome provided the final value remained >5.0  cm.

These results suggest that AFI can be repeated weekly if >8 cm. When  AFI
falls below 8 cm but is >5 cm, evaluations should be performed twice weekly.
For clinical convenience, the authors performs the AFI in conjunction with
each antepartum  biophysical test, even if performed twice or three times
weekly. With regard to intervention,  the high incidence of meconium
staining and fetal distress among patients with AFI 


Amniotic  fluid volume estimation has become an integral part of fetal
evaluation. Although  the sonographic techniques clinically available are
limited in their accuracy and  predictive value, the careful performance of
AFI measurements provides important  and complementary clinical data on
which to base management decisions in pregnancies  at risk.


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