A woman I know had 3 (yes 3) u/s in LABOUR to be dx with a breech except they missed her complete placenta praevia and sliced through it opening her up. Another triumph of technology, clearly!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Use of ultrasound routinely to check for breech position!!!!!

I agree that there's no point in scanning at 36/40.  But it is happening (in Qld) and the women don't seem to be given any explanation except 'just to check the baby's ok'. And it's not just a quick scan for presentation, but the full thing.
And scans aren't foolproof.  I remember a woman who was scanned and thought to be having twins, the obstetric team flew in (country hospital) and also scanned her and agreed that there were twins.  At the LUSCS a very large almost 11 pound single baby was born!  More recently in a tertiary centre a woman in labour at 28 weeks was thought to be having twins.  She had a LUSCS and again a single baby.
There has recently been some research results that indicate ultrasound scanning in mice is causing to brain tumours.  Doesn't look good......

Lisa Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would like to share my experience of this over the past week.( with the permission of my client of course)
I have a client who's baby was breech until 33/34 weeks after using natural therapies I felt that it had turned.  At 37+ weeks  she felt huge movements then nothing for 2 days.  She went to the local hospital for a check over(It was a Saturday and she didn't want to bother me so didn't ring until she was there).  Baby was fine but found to be breech confirmed on scan just quickly run over her abdomen.  After a huge discussion of all options she decided she'd still birth at home but would like a cephalic version just to see if that was possible.  The Tuesday morning (now 38 weeks) I made an appointment and off we went.  When we were there she was palpated by a hospital midwife and the obstetrician.  Confirmed breech.  When the scan was put on her before the procedure the baby was cephalic.
When I made the appointment the obstetrician said to me, oh don't worry anyone could miss a breech assuming that I had made a mistake.  However What if the scanner over the weekend who couldn't tell anything but that it was breech was mistaken (I wasn't there so don't know!!)
Or what if some babies just move around right up until the end.  Either way there would have been no point scanning her at 36 weeks.
Lisa Barrett,

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