HBA in Melbourne (due to high demand) are now covering the services of
>independent midwives up to $2000 (yippee).  There is no waiting period
>if you have served your 12 months with another fund and if you are
>joining private health for the 1st time you still have the 12month
>waiting for maternity services.  The cover includes pre & post natal and
>delivery.  The customer pays the account and then sends the invoice to
>Jenny Doherty (Customer Relations Manager).
>  At this point in time it is a pilot program so if you call customer
>services they will not know about it.  Jenny's direct number is 03 9937
>Jenny is also compiling data comparing expenses for highly intervened
>births versus the claims she is getting for independent midwives."
>" "From
www.defencehealth.com.au , a private health insurance company
>for families of military families
>A benefit is paid for ante/post natal care, confinement and delivery at
>home or in hospital where the service is provided by a registered
>midwife in private practice recognised by Defence Health. If a doctor is
>required to intervene in the delivery, this benefit is not payable.
>one mum SA says she received rebate for a homebirth from Defence Health,
>about $750 broken up into so much for pre-natal care and then about $250
>back on the birth. No problem when the Indemnity insurance stuff
>AUSTRALIAN UNITY: SA mum's details: Three Years ago I received 100%
>rebate for a homebirth. The midwife charged $1200 ( not enough I
>thought), and they would have paid up to $1500 at that time. It was with
>Australian Unity and I had to
>have a certain level of cover - though not the top. They would have paid
>the full fee for an independent midwife to attend with me at a hospital,
>and I had to apply in writing to be approved the same funding for a
>homebirth, but they
>were quite happy, and there were absolutely no disputes. This was also
>right at the time of your indemnity insurance dilemmas, and they were
>not phased. I assume their policies would not have changed since then.
>MUTUAL COMMUNITY: SA mum says: I wrote a letter to my health fund Mutual
>Community questioning why they would not cover an independent midwife
>and homebirth. They used my letter as a business case and have now
>decided they will cover it. I'm not sure if it is official across the
>board yet. I am going
>to be sending my bill to a particular woman in the policy section. I'm
>having a homebirth in December. I'll let you know if they honour the
>MBF cover the full amount (but will not publicly tell you that) You need
>to go through high beings and make an individual agreement, but many
>women are doing it. Many have had $4,000 back
>Teachers Health rebate well
>NIB rebate a small amount
>Grand United have just announced around $2000 and featured Jan Robinson
>(NSW IPM) in their brochure.
>NRMA (before being taken over) paid part unsure who took them over
>HBA have just announced they will (details uncertain)
>Medibank Private are scum bags and give nothing.
>I now advise all women who have held a policy for some time to switch to
>MBF (if their fund gives little or nothing) As an existing policy holder
>the waiting times are waived and so you can go to MBF and do a deal and
>get all the costs back (by the way these are for homebirths, MBF cover
>nothing if
>you go to hospital, as they then cover Drs and I guess don't want to pay
>the high Ob costs and a midwife on top). Is unfair if you transfer, but
>that's their rules.
>.HEALTH PARTNERS cover homebirth/independent midwifery: One mum phoned
>them in Sept 05 - got a few puzzled staff members putting her on hold
>then told they will give up to $40 rebate per prenatal and post natal
>visit and max $200 for labour/birth to total $800.00. A second mum
>confirmed these amounts as what she actually received - also that
>services must have been provided by a registered midwife; she also
>believes that if complications arise and hospital birth is
>required then HP will pay benefits for hospital according to your cover
>level, and any ambulance transfers required as well as the pre/postnatal
>care provided by the midwife. This mum had to ask about getting her care
>covered and got sent
>a personal letter outlining what they would cover/pay.
>TEACHERS FEDERATION HEALTH: An SA midwife has just had a client with
>this company who is expecting to receive $1500 from them to cover her
>homebirth. The midwife had to give her an invoice with her ABN on it,
>setting out how much she
>had been charged for antenatal, birth/labour & postnatal, as they were
>specific about how much they would reimburse for each 'part'.
>SGIC - used to cover, now withdrawn.
>ISELECT - One local midwife says there is a website and kind of
>health-broker called iselect whom you can contact who would have all
>this information. She believes if we contact them they could tell us
>exactly who covers homebirth/lactation consultancy and private midwifery
>and for how much etc. They'd do the running around and maternity
>coalition would probably have to just say whom the source was so that
>iselect get some free publicity."
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Lisa  <
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Russell
>To: Deborah Fisher <
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; Andrea
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; Nat Herbert
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; 'Sonya
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Beutel' ; 'Anne R (AP)'
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; Anne  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Rasenberger ; annette rogers <
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ;
>Genevieve Olton <
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; Linda (AP)
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; Lisa  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ;
>Lucy  <
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Evans ; Siobhan Harding
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; Sue
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (AP) ; Zoie
>Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 12:35 PM
>Subject: medical insurance
>Ok I'm looking but does anyone know which medical insurance cover
>midwifes and/or homebirth

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:06 PM
Subject: [SPAM] [ozmidwifery] Private Health Funds

Can anyone assist with their knowledge of private health funds ?

Which health fund covers the best for midwifery care – I have a lady looking at care for her next pregnancy having a history of 3 lscs after 2 vaginal births – and we have sought the support of

an obstetrician – thus the attempt to look at joining a health fund prior to conception ?

Any help appreciated

Marie Heath

Midwyf Services


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