All the guide lines do say that there is increased risk above 42
weeks. 100%. Of what? I can't recall the figures offhand but say
from 1% to 2% is 100% increase but that means that 98% will be
ok. Also you need to be sure your dates are right. LMP certain?
USS dates after about 12 wks are very open to error, the further
the pregnancy has advanced the greater the error. 
If women are empowered there is ALWAYS the option to say NO.
They will be hasseled but if they are strong enough they can
keep saying no. We have some who do that, they are happy to be
monitored with CTG 2nd daily (though in reality that won't tell
you much). They are in tune with their body and just know babe
is ok. 
If you get a chance to see them before they come in for IOL,
remind them about their ability to say no and how that comes
with the responsability for the outcomes of that decision. 
--- renee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all, I'm trying to get some information, opinions re:
> inductions for post
> term pregnancies. As a student I'm finding the majority of my
> birth
> experiences are with women getting induced which I find a
> little
> disheartening. Instinctively I'm of the opinion that all being
> well then
> leave alone and I'm excluding any complications or increased
> risk factors
> here, but the more I dig around for arguments the more it
> appears that
> inductions after 42 weeks is best practice. I have read
> somewhere that true
> post term pregnancies accounts for about 2%. You would think
> its more like
> 25%, but anyway... 
> At the hospital I'm doing clinical at, women are preemptively
> booked in for
> induction and are 'told' at an antenatal visit that if they
> haven't had
> there baby by a certain date then they will be going in for an
> induction.
> There isn't an option.
> Do any of IM have women that get induced? I have read the
> research on
> cochrane and the NICE guidelines, and stats that say still
> births increase
> by 100%, and Im aware of the complexities around accurate
> dates etc, but it
> all just feels counter intuitive to me, but learning to base
> practice on
> evidence means often having to re-asses my own beliefs about
> these things,
> and not having the experience, I cant really form a judgment.
> Any help
> opinions on the matter would be most welcome.
> The rocky road to learning hey!
> This might have been a discussion in previous postings, if so
> and anyone
> remembers it could you let me know approx time.
> --
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