Hi Michelle,
Im up for my first recertification in 2009. I could just resit the exam or get enough CERPS. Both arent cheap. Finding time to keep up with both midwifery and lactation conferences is hard and expensive. I can probably only justify one every two years to be fair on my family! I think with a lot of people though,that unless they are working within a position where LC qualifications are essential then they see little value in the recertification. They have the knowledge, they are utilising it as midwives without having to have an expensive recertification. There are few positions that require IBCLC qualifications. Usually only hospital LC or private practice. I intend the latter, so will be working on getting the CERPS. I did a fantastic course through our area health service, facilitated by our area CMC lactation, and partially funded by our department. We have squillions of IBCLCs on the coast due to this course (over 100 in past 5 yrs).
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 4:45 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] lactation consultant query

Am posting again as the first one didn't seem to come through. I'm thinking of doing the LC course, but have noticed (in my travels) that lots of LC's let their qualification lapse when the 5 years is up.  Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this.... is it the money?  or too hard to attend BF conferences etc?  I'd also be interested in which courses people found to be good.  The Health e-learning has been recommended to me.

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