Justine I would LOVE to see these !!


On 12/10/2006, at 9:49 PM, Justine Caines wrote:

As a British midwife I have experienced lots of breeches but this was the first time in the water.  It was amazing as the water stopped that hang and the pressure that the cord is sometimes under.  Apart from dropping my trousers there was no contact with the woman and her baby, just whispers and encouragement.  She did it totally unassisted complete hand off the breech.

I feel so proud to be involved with women who have such confidence in their birthing ability. That's half the problems we are facing here.  Both women and lots of midwives are scared and don't trust birth.  As a midwife we should be highly skilled and knowledgeable, but knowing when to get involved and when to just watch is the greatest skill of all.
Lisa Barrett

Hi Lisa, Mary and All

What a great story!

My 2nd twin was breech and was also born into water (untouched until the very end).  I had caught twin 1 but wasn’t as quick with twin 2 so as she slid out one of our wonderful midwives lightly pushed the babe back towards the front so she would not bob up behind me and instead floated to the front and was essentially caught by me.

My babe was footling breech (single).  First I knew was our midwife said there’s a foot. I remember thinking as her body slid out, brace yourself for the head but it was really quite easy (yes I had just birthed another babe I know!!).  She had apgars of 9 and 9. The only discernable difference between her cephalic sister and her was she was a teeny bit ‘shocked’ and had a wee cry.

I am going to try and upload the photos somehow as quite a few people have contacted me (out of interest re twins)


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