Hi all!


A query - I saw a client today whose little boy is 4 months old.  The birth
was at 36weeks, very quick labour (3 hours - first baby).  The little fellow
had jaundice but was otherwise well.  Went under the lights a couple of
times and then came home but had appointments to go back and see the
hospital paediatrician.  When I saw the Mum prenatally, she was very very
keen to breastfeed, had even been to ABA meetings whilst pregnant.  However,
she informed me today that she "had" to give up feeding.  Upon being asked
why, the answer was that she was so stressed that her milk dried up.  The
reason for the stress was that the jaundice kept recurring and her
paediatrician told her that her "milk was not flushing it out of the baby's
system".  Bub had to return to hospital twice to go under the lights again
and the paediatrician also said that Mum had to supplement with artificial
formula because baby was not getting enough to flush out.  Hence the stress.
She saw a lactation consultant who suggested that she go to a GP to get a
tablet to increase her supply but she did not want to go that way.  Don't
know why she didn't go back to ABA but think she was over it by then. (Also
lost confidence in her ability to feed I think because of paediatrician's
comments)   Anyway, can any of you enlighten me re the milk flushing the
jaundice out of the system please?



Ramona Lane


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