Speaking as a consumer who just paid sydney prices for a homebirth - the cost of living is higher here than most if not all other cities in Australia. It's one of those odd things that some careers are FAR better paid in Sydney than elsewhere, others are not. We, for example are far better off living in Sydney because my husband's pay is FAR better, my mother on the other hand (who recently moved here to be near us) was financially better off in Adelaide as her pay here the same (or less) but her costs are higher. I have no problem with someone who can set their own rate of pay doing so at a level that is proportional to their cost of living.

My midwife came to me for all visits, she was with us for a magical birth at the end of a fairly awful pregnancy that could not possibly have ended so well without her care and the post natal care in our home was exceptional. She took care of things like having synto and vit k available should i need them, and everything else we might need. I believe she takes on a maximum of 24 clients a year, this year more like 10-12. Even with 24 clients, let alone 10-12, less costs I imagine it works out to an "average wage" at best.

We should not have to pay for homebirth, but neither should midwives have to earn less than they are worth, so we can have the choice.

On 18/11/2006, at 10:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Barb,

I think it's wonderful that you had such an amazing birth and wish for all women to have such an experience. From my understanding, many Sydney midwives ask their clients to come to them not vice versa. So a lot of their care is not midwifery care at home, rather it is out of their home until the final weeks. I'm not sure about all midwives, but this seems more common place now in Sydney.

And, you get paid $4000 to have a child these days. Midwifery care at
home?  It's a bargain.

I find it very interesting that people see you get paid to have a baby. I was under the impression that the baby bonus was given to help mums to be able to afford to stay home longer from work, or upgrade their car if they need more space, or buy car seats, slings, good food for nourishment while breastfeeding etc. The only women I know that can afford to spend that whole $4000 on midwifery care are the women that didn't need that money in the first place. The women that choose to spend the whole amount even though they can't afford it, because they have no other choice in Sydney, have no benefits from the baby bonus for living expenses with a newborn. There is no bargain if you can't afford it.

I understand the value of midwives and continuity of care and midwifery care at home, but why should women in Sydney and NSW be paying that much more?? Nobody has answered that question. I'm not questioning the value of midwifery care, more why Sydney midwifery care is so much more 'valuable' in the dollars and sense kind of way?

Love Abby xo
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