When I was confirming what my health insurance would cover ($2k towards a planned homebirth and a private transfer if it became necessary) I explained that my pregnancy was somewhat high risk but the birth, if I was healthy at term, should not be. They asked what my OB thought about my home birth plans and left it at that (I believe I said "She knows I am planning to birth at home if all is well" or something like that). I don't get how they could possibly dictate what is safe beyond asking what your carer/s think?

On 16/01/2007, at 9:28 PM, Lisa Barrett wrote:

~thanks for that. I did tell her that I don't believe her to be high risk, but her health insurance fund has stepped in and said that the only place she would be safe to birth is at a large tertiary hospital (lucky her). It is sad to see that a woman who should be excited and cherishing every moment of her pregnancy has been fed doubt and despair from ill informed professionals.~

That's interesting, how long have insurance companies been dictating terms of birth here?

Lisa Barrett

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