Hey guys, 


Having a blonde moment... I'm having troubles with Content Types on my 


I have a document based content type which has 3 fields, let's call it Letters. 


About 50 sites have content type management enabled and I have added Letters 
content type to the site A. 


I've always thought that when you update the content type from the site home, 
inheritance kicks in and all sites are updated. So I've added a new custom 
column to the content type Letters from the site root, hit OK ensuring all 
sites with this content type is enabled. 


I check the content type on a site A and the field has not been updated. 


However if I remove the content type and add it again, the new fields are 


Have I set something up incorrectly on the Intranet or is this simply just 


I understand the importance of locking down metadata before mass creating 
sites, but when a situation occurs when you need to update a content type that 
*should* aggregate across the collection.... and it doesn't... what does one 


Maybe I'm missing a vital point in this?? 



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