Ohh, that reminds me thanks Miguel...

The next Melbourne meet is tonight (Tuesday) @ 5:30 (for Pizza) - MS offices 

We have ShaneMo on Sketchflow and Mahesh Krishnan on new Blend 3 features.

Details here: http://blog.webjak.net/2009/06/26/sddn-meeting-30-june-melbourne/

Please register using the tool in the header at http://sddn.org.au

(and I'll update the tool for the Sydney meet in the morning!)

From: ozsilverlight@ozsilverlight.com [mailto:ozsilverli...@ozsilverlight.com] 
On Behalf Of Miguel Madero
Sent: Tuesday, 30 June 2009 1:08 AM
To: ozsilverlight@ozsilverlight.com
Subject: Silverlight Designer and Developer Network Sydney - July Meeting

Our next meeting as usual will be on the first Tuesday of the month. Here are 
the important bits and the full details are on my 

This month Ali Shafai will talk on Silverlight, Prism and Unity and Miguel 
Madero will do a mini presentation on a less attractive, but important topic, 
Security in Silverlight at the Crown Hotel.

Crown Hotel
162 Elizabeth St
June 7. 6:00 pm
Use the registration tool on the top of the SDDN Site<http://www.sddn.org.au/>.

Miguel A. Madero Reyes
www.miguelmadero.com<http://www.miguelmadero.com> (blog)
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