Great and gutsy email Corneliu... I agree with and fully support what you have 
said.  Scott needs to walk away and take a good hard look.

- Darren Neimke

From: Corneliu Tusnea 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:06 PM
To: ozSilverlight 
Subject: RE: Interesting article re: WPF/Silverlight/HTML5 on riagenic

Sorry to tell you but I'm so sick of Scott's overly-opinionated attitude. He 
has(had) access to a fair bit of internal knowledge inside Microsoft that he 
saw through his own eyes and now he got out and he's spitting everywhere around 
him having no clue about the (moral) damage he does to people he used to work 
with ... and maybe even his friends (though I doubt he had too many).

We all know there is no company that is perfect and everywhere there are 
communication issues and we are all people with different attitudes and 
different opinions and yes, sometimes we don't agree but that's why we are 
smart and can talk and come to agree or disagree and move on.
I so much dislike his attitude and "I've been there I know it all, it's doom 
day and all Microsoft should do the way I think cose they are all dead".
I bet you he left Microsoft because someone refused repeatedly his request to 
"move up the food/management chain" in a position where he can take bigger 
decisions that he thinks can do .. which got him extremely frustrated :)

I would not like to work with next to him in any project as I would feel the 
day he leaves he will turn around and spit on everyone's head.

The article (just like his daily tweets that people hand on to like God's 
words) is yet another massive frustration throw up and "I know everything" 
attitude. Some comments are very good at exposing this.

My 2 cents, (very personal opinion)

PS>> I do take notes of his opinions when he stops being "morally and verbally 
violent" to the people around him and his ex-colleagues and a complete 
frustration declaration. This is simply called being polite to your peers.

[] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, 14 September 2010 6:33 PM
To: ozSilverlight
Subject: Interesting article re: WPF/Silverlight/HTML5 on riagenic

Via CodeProject 'Daily News' (14/09/2010) -

Dr. Dan Lazner, PhD | Software Architect/Engineer/Developer

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