You might like to investigate allowing anon access to the location of the
XAP, and/or only securing the location that the services live...

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Mikala Gardineros

> Hello,
> I have an intranet site (iis 7.5) that hosts a Silverlight oob
> application.  The site also hosts a wcf service that is used by the oob
> application.
> I use Windows Authentication, primarily to lock down the wcf service, eg
> <authentication mode="Windows" /> in the web.config.
> The user lifecycle is like this :
> a.  First time they use their browser to navigate to the host web page.
> They are prompted for Windows credentials.
> b.  User clicks a button that lets them install it oob.
> c.  Lets say later the user launch the oob app, I pop up a login window and
> use the supplied windows credentials for subsequent wcf calls until they
> shut down the app.
> This works nicely.
> However, when they launch the app I do the standard
> App.Current.CheckAndDownloadUpdateAsync() to check for updates.  The problem
> is that it doesn't detect updates.
> The reason it doesn't detect the update is because of a "401 -
> Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials" on the xap file I
> can see in Fiddler.
> This makes perfect sense, I haven't supplied any credentials so why would
> IIS allow the user to access the new xap file.
> So, my question is, how can I supply credentials to
> CheckAndDownloadUpdateAsync()  ?  Or can someone suggest an alternative?
> Thank you in advance.
> Mikala
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