Hi Michel, 

In recent months I’m hearing a very different message coming from US. This 
video is typical and turns upside down many of the values I’ve grown up with. 
Do you have a response?


Warm regards, Anna

> On 9 Mar 2021, at 11:44, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Petar Jandric has done an in-depth conversation with me about the current 
> work at the P2P Foundation, which is focused mostly on the me of: how can we 
> produce for human need within planetary boundaries, in the context of the 
> rapid construction of post-westphalian cyber-physical infrastructure and 
> autonomous trans-local ecosystems.
> https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42438-021-00218-8
> Excerpt:
> Commoning for Planetary Survival and Regeneration
> PJ: You recently published a report ‘P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival: 
> Towards a P2P Infrastructure for a Socially-Just Circular Society’ (Bauwens 
> and Pazaitis 2020). What is P2P accounting and how does it differ from 
> traditional accounting?
> MB: In the 1930s, there was this big debate between socialists and liberals 
> called the ‘Socialist Calculation Debate’. On the one side, were Friedrich 
> Hayek, Joseph Schumpeter, Ludwig von Mises, and others, who argued that 
> centralised planning could not work. On the opposite side, were Karl Polanyi, 
> and others, who claimed that socialist planning could work (and in ways 
> superior to capitalism). For almost one century it seemed that the leftists 
> had lost the socialist calculation debate. These days, however, things are 
> changing.
> There are three main levels of resource allocation. (1) We have the state, 
> which represents planning – either full planning as in Soviet times, or 
> regulatory planning, as in the capitalist system. (2) We have market pricing, 
> which regulates the allocation of capital. (3) Finally, we have the emergence 
> of mutual coordination or ‘stigmergy’, which brings open source commoning 
> into the picture.
> Our proposal, ‘P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival: Towards a P2P 
> Infrastructure for a Socially-Just Circular Society’ (Bauwens and Pazaitis 
> 2020), consists of an integrated vision that combines the three forms, with 
> mutual coordination at the first level. We now have distributed 
> ledgersFootnote10 so that we can move from sharing code and knowledge to 
> sharing transaction data, shared accounting, shared logistics, and so on. We 
> are moving from the Internet of Communications to the Internet of 
> Transactions which enables the development of collaborative open ecosystems 
> consisting of networks of producers. I think this is a very important shift.
> PJ: And what about thermodynamic accounting?
> MB: Thermodynamic accounting is the ability to see flows of matter and energy 
> and have them integrated into your accounting system. This implies that we 
> can create our own data commons, data trusts, data co-ops, and so on.
> -- 
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