---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Michael Haupt from Society 4.0 <society4=
Date: Fri, May 7, 2021 at 8:41 PM
Subject: Why are you on the map, Michel?
To: <michelsub2...@gmail.com>

A common question has been, Why am I on the map - what are your criteria?
You'll find the surprisingly simple answer inside. It's not what you think!
[image: society4-logo-wide]
[image: Society 4.0 Map]

In just 2 weeks the Society 4.0 Map
has been viewed almost 400 times. Considering that it's still early days
for us, the map seems to be making an impression. Thank you, Michel for
checking it out!
[image: Screen Shot 2021-05-07 at 13.06.15]
Map Criteria

One of the most common questions we received for this early draft of the
map is:

"Why am I on the map - what are your selection criteria?"

We were going to publish clear criteria about who gets to be on the map and
who doesn't. And then we decided that crowd wisdom is far more meaningful
than arbitrary criteria. So, we simply selected people who had been
repeatedly interviewed, referenced or quoted by peers.

So, Michel, you're on the map because your name kept popping up on our
radar in relation to the work you're doing. Thank you for being an
innovator in the regeneration space!

We'd love to know what you think of the map so far. Please take just 2
minutes to share your thoughts. Your opinion means a ton!

Happy Friday!

Michael Haupt

(Let's connect on LinkedIn

More questions

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Society 4.0, Emerging on Every Street, in Every City, in Every Country,


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We take privacy and the management of your data very, very seriously. With
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   - Your email address is used to manage your entry on the Society 4.0 Map
   i.e. your email address is the 'key' to your data;
   - Your physical address (which can be fictitious if you prefer) is used
   to place a marker for you on the Society 4.0 Map.
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[image: HubSpot]

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