On Feb 3, 2009, at 11:33 AM, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been thinking about the fact that there's a bunch of scenarios  
> isn't good at simulating.
> Essentially, it will reboot nodes, or cause processes to crash, way  
> too
> often for some problems to show.
> From the point of view of the cluster, that is actually not a typical
> work load: clusters are expected to stay up for long, and be largely
> stable.
> I think we might need an additional selection of tests (and perhaps  
> one
> or two additional tests) which instead simulate what users would do:
> perform a lot of switch-overs, standby, cib operations, LRM cleanups,
> reprobes, status queries, and only extremely rarely - if at all -  
> reboot
> a node.
> Of course it's still hard to simulate "long-running" as in "a long
> time", because, well, that happens to take a long time. ;-) But we can
> compress the rest into a shorter period. Thoughts? Comments?

I've added a --loop option to cts so that we can add (and selectively  
enable) tests like this.
I've not had a chance to add any, but there is definitly a case for  
them to be written.

Would you like to kick it off by adding your standby test?

Just make sure the test has:

     def is_applicable(self):
         return self.CM.Env["loop-tests"]

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