Apache RA relies on mod_status and monitors /server-status page. When
you added your loadbalancer you redirected all requests to your Tomcat
instance that doesn't have /server-status page. You either have to
change your Apache configuration to keep /server-status in place or to
change your Pacemaker configuration to use other page for monitoring.
Check out statusurl parameter for Apache RA.

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:58 PM, Diego Bevilaqua
<diego.bevilaqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello to you all.
> I started researching Pacemaker/Corosync recently, as the company I work at
> wants to change the current high availability infrastructure. I decided to
> start by following the Cluster from Scratch step-to-step, and got a running
> environment. As I saw it running smoothly - I could access, from any
> machine, the address I had for the cluster, and it returned the page
> according to the node Apache server was running on - , I decided to change
> some configurations so as to test it running our application. Apache, as I
> am trying, is being used as a load-balancer for some machines running a
> cluster of Tomcat servlet containers, which in instance run our application.
> However, when I inserted the changes for Apache to serve as a reverse proxy
> for the Tomcat machines, it simply stoped working =\
> The changes I made to the default Apache httpd.conf file were these:
> # Load-balance configuration (mod_proxy)
> Header add Set-Cookie "ROUTEID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e; path=/"
> <Proxy balancer://tomcatCluster/>
> BalancerMember http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/ route=1
> BalancerMember http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/ route=2
> ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID
> </Proxy>
> ProxyPass / balancer://tomcatCluster/
> ProxyPassReverse  /  balancer://tomcatCluster/
> The error I'm getting is this:
> Failed actions:
>     WebSite_start_0 (node=worker-1, call=5, rc=1, status=complete): unknown
> error
> Strange thing is that, if I just run the apache service (/etc/init.d/httpd
> start) it runs smoothly, and I can run the application using the machine's
> IP in any of my network nodes. I really searched all over for some reason
> for this, but couldn't find any, and the error message ("unknown error")
> really didn't help much =\
> I would really appreciate any help you could get me
> --
> Diego Bevilaqua
> diego.bevilaqu...@gmail.com
> _______________________________________________
> Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker@oss.clusterlabs.org
> http://oss.clusterlabs.org/mailman/listinfo/pacemaker
> Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
> Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
> Bugs:
> http://developerbugs.linux-foundation.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Pacemaker

Serge Dubrouski.

Pacemaker mailing list: Pacemaker@oss.clusterlabs.org

Project Home: http://www.clusterlabs.org
Getting started: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
Bugs: http://developerbugs.linux-foundation.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Pacemaker

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