
The fast question:

Is it possible to have different logpriorities for cib than for lrmd or pacemakerd?

The long explanation:

After upgrading to pacemaker 1.1.12rc1, and enabling pgsql Master/Slave RA, I have lots of logs that are not informative, and would like to adjust logging a little more.

We run on corosync stack on top of ubuntu.

As before, pacemaker logs to corosync default, which in our case syslog with local7 facility.

But now, we get this line each 5 seconds on corosync syslog:
pacemakerd[23624]: notice: crm_add_logfile: Additional logging available in /var/log/pacemaker.log

And /var/log/pacemaker.log is at info level, but cib outputs LOTS of cib messages like these (nearly each second):

ay 27 16:13:30 [23320] lohap1 cib: info: cib_process_request: Completed cib_query operation for section 'all': OK (rc=0, origin=local/crm_mon/2, version=0.172.32) May 27 16:13:30 [23320] lohap1 cib: info: cib_process_request: Completed cib_query operation for section nodes: OK (rc=0, origin=local/crm_attribute/2, version=0.172.32) May 27 16:13:30 [23320] lohap1 cib: info: cib_process_request: Completed cib_query operation for section //cib/status//node_state[@id='3232235522']//transient_attributes//nvpair[@name='pgsql-status']: OK (rc=0, origin=local/crm_attribute/3, version=0.172.32)

Seems that pgsql RA updates attributes constantly, and this makes lots of cib info messages (150MB a day).

I have been able to manage pacemaker to output only to sysslog, with logpriority warning, with this config on /opt/ha/etc/default/pacemaker :
export PCMK_debugfile=/dev/null
export PCMK_debug=off
export PCMK_logfacility=local7
export PCMK_logpriority=warning

But with this priority we have no info about lrmd or pacemakerd actions.

So ideal situation would be to put these new cib verbose logging on priority warning, but lrmd,pacemakerd,pengine on info.
¿can it be done?
Can these cib info messages be suppressed? (either runtime config or compilation time)

Thanks  so much,

*Bernardo Cabezas Serra*
*Responsable Sistemas*
Camí Vell de Bunyola 37, esc. A, local 7
07009 Polígono de Son Castelló, Palma
Mail: bcabe...@apsl.net
Skype: bernat.cabezas
Tel: 971439771

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