Fedora Update Notification
2017-11-15 21:26:26.921330

Name        : mock
Product     : Fedora 25
Version     : 1.4.7
Release     : 2.fc25
URL         : https://github.com/rpm-software-management/mock/
Summary     : Builds packages inside chroots
Description :
Mock takes an SRPM and builds it in a chroot.

Update Information:

* There is a new option in config `config_opts['chrootgroup']`, which allows you
to change name of group inside of chroot. * Any key for `config_opts` you
specify with 'bootstrap_*' will be copied to bootstrap config e.g.,
`config_opts['bootstrap_system_yum_command'] = '/usr/bin/yum-deprecated'` will
become `config_opts['system_yum_command'] = '/usr/bin/yum-deprecated'` for
bootstrap config. * There are three new default:
config_opts['bootstrap_chroot_additional_packages'] = []
config_opts['bootstrap_module_enable'] = []
config_opts['bootstrap_module_install'] = []   This will not install any
additional packages or modules into bootstrap chroot. * Mock now recognize
DeskOS. * Previously when `config_opts['rpmbuild_networking']` was enabled we
passed `--private-network` to systemd-nspawn. However that lead there was no
default route. And you cannot bind() UDP socket to all IP addresses and then
join multicast group, without having default route. Now we do onot add
`--private-network` to systemd-nspawn, instead we setup network namespace
ourselves and we also add default route pointing to loopback interface (only
interface in the new namespace). This feature introduce new dependency on
pyroute2.  Bugfixes:  * Delete rootdir as well when calling clean. In case one
overrides the rootdir option, and the rootdir is located outside of basedir, it
was not cleaned up when calling --clean. Fix this case by checking if the
rootdir is outside basedir. If that is the case, run an extra rmtree() on it. *
Choose good symbolic link of default.cfg on Mageia. * Ccache is now mounted to
/var/tmp as /tmp gets over-mounted with tmpfs when system-nspawn is used. *
Output of `--debug-config` is now sorted. * Use primary key for Fedora 27+ on

This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use
su -c 'dnf upgrade mock' at the command line.
For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at

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GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at
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