--- Comment #3 from Michael Schwendt <> ---
The Fedora Project does a couple of packaging related things differently than
whatever distribution you've used before. Here's the result of a brief look at
the spec file.

Consider pointing the fedora-review tool at this ticket:

  fedora-review -b 1440704

It will evaluate the latest "Spec URL:" and "SRPM URL:" lines, download the
files and packages, perform local test-builds in Mock and run many checks on
the packages. The tool is relevant to package submitters, too.

> Patch0: cpprest-pthread.patch

> %package devel
> Summary:        Development files for %{name}
> Requires:       libcpprest%{major}_%{minor} = %{version}

> %files -n libcpprest%{major}_%{minor}
> %defattr(-,root,root)
> %doc CONTRIBUTORS.txt license.txt ThirdPartyNotices.txt
> %{_libdir}/{major}.%{minor}
> %{_libdir}/

> %defattr(-,root,root)

> %package -n libcpprest%{major}_%{minor}

The naming of this subpackage is odd. What have you planned for updates that
touch %major or %minor or both?

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